Candidates For Class President
The primary duties of the class president usually include working with students to resolve problems, and informing school leaders and the student council of ideas emanating from the class. The president also has the responsibility of leading class cabinet meetings and organizing student activities and events.
Candidates For Vice President
The primary responsibility of the Vice President is to assist the President in planning and implementing class Fundraisers and activities. In the absence of the class president, the vice president must assume all responsibilities of the president's office, and may be required to run class meeting, write class letters, and facilitate communication among
other class leaders.
other class leaders.
Candidates For Treasurer
The treasurer is most often called upon for strategic planning and finances for every program the class undertakes. The treasurer's job can be summarized into four general categories: work with class officers to establish an annual budget; monitor class funds and expenditures; keep class officers and members informed about class finances; assess the financial affordability and feasibility of proposed class programs and initiatives.
Candidates For Secretary
The secretary plays an important role in facilitating communication among class officers and maintaining a formal structure for class fundraisers. The secretary takes minutes of class meetings and distributes these minutes to all class officers and advisers. The secretary may also write class sympathy, congratulatory, and thank you notes.
Congrats 2021-2022
@BHSTenthGrade #ClassOfficers: PRESIDENT: Michael Fry VICE PRESIDENT: Chelsea Dowhy TREASURER: Shea Ferrari SECRETARY: Mwango Kasuba EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Lacey Bonetti, Kevin Hutchinson, Grace Iaquinta, Leila Usanovic & Cassidy Williams SOCIAL MEDIA (Twitter & Instagram): @BHSTenthGrade |